Certain stones are believed to attract wealth and enhance financial status. Citrine is renowned for its association with prosperity and abundance, promoting a positive flow of energy and opportunities. Pyrite, often called “Fool’s Gold,” is thought to attract wealth and success. Green Jade is a symbol of good fortune and prosperity in many cultures, fostering harmony and balance. Aventurine is believed to bring luck and financial opportunities. Additionally, Clear Quartz is valued for its ability to amplify intentions, including those related to wealth. While these stones are not a substitute for practical efforts, many people use them as complementary tools for manifesting prosperity.


Citrine, a radiant yellow or golden-brown crystal, is renowned for its positive energy and association with wealth. A variety of quartz, it is often referred to as the “Merchant’s Stone” due to its historical use in attracting prosperity and success in business. Citrine is believed to carry the energy of the sun, promoting abundance and joy while dispelling negative energies. It is thought to enhance confidence and creativity, fostering a positive outlook on life. Some also use citrine for manifestation and goal-setting, harnessing its vibrant energy to attract financial success and prosperity. Overall, citrine is celebrated for its uplifting and empowering properties.


Pyrite, also known as “Fool’s Gold,” is a striking metallic mineral with a brassy yellow hue, resembling gold. Composed of iron sulfide, its cubic crystal structure often forms stunning geometric shapes. Despite its captivating appearance, pyrite lacks the intrinsic value of gold and has been historically mistaken for the precious metal. This sulfide mineral holds cultural significance, believed by some to possess protective properties against negative energy. Pyrite can be found in various geological formations, including sedimentary rocks and hydrothermal veins. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, pyrite’s presence in nature contributes to the understanding of Earth’s geological processes.

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is a variety of quartz known for its lush green color and sparkling appearance, often due to inclusions of fuchsite or hematite. Renowned as a stone of opportunity and good luck, it is believed to attract prosperity and enhance one’s chances in various endeavors. The gentle energy of Green Aventurine is associated with the heart chakra, fostering emotional well-being and promoting harmony. Commonly used in jewelry and metaphysical practices, it’s thought to soothe anxiety and encourage personal growth. This versatile gemstone is cherished not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its positive, calming influence on the spirit.

Tiger Eye Stone

Tiger’s Eye is a captivating gemstone renowned for its unique appearance and metaphysical properties. Displaying a chatoyant effect, it features bands of golden-brown and reflective stripes, resembling the eye of a tiger. Composed mainly of quartz, hawk’s eye, and crocidolite, its distinctive sheen is a result of fibrous inclusions. Believed to instill courage, focus, and clear thinking, Tiger’s Eye is often associated with protection crystals and grounding energy. This stone is embraced in various cultures for its ability to enhance confidence and inner strength. Widely used in jewelry, its aesthetic allure is complemented by its reputation for promoting balance and resilience.

Ammonite Stone

Ammonite stones are fossilized remains of extinct marine mollusks called ammonoids, which thrived millions of years ago. These spiral-shaped fossils, resembling coiled shells, boast intricate, naturally occurring patterns on their surfaces. Ammonites are treasured for their aesthetic beauty and historical significance, often used in jewelry and ornamental displays. Their spiral shape symbolizes continual growth and transformation. The fossilization process imparts a range of hues, from iridescent blues and greens to warm earth tones. Ammonite fossils are not only captivating artifacts but also hold geological importance, aiding scientists in understanding ancient marine ecosystems and Earth’s evolutionary history.

Green Tourmaline Stone

Green Tourmaline, a captivating variety of the tourmaline mineral, is prized for its lush green hues ranging from pale mint to deep emerald. Revered for both its aesthetic beauty and metaphysical properties, it’s associated with the heart chakra, fostering emotional balance and vitality. This gemstone is believed to attract luck, success, and prosperity while promoting feelings of compassion and self-confidence. Green Tourmaline is often used in jewelry and crystal healing practices. Its vibrant color and energetic qualities make it a sought-after choice for those seeking inspiration, personal growth, and a connection with nature’s rejuvenating forces.

Moss Agate Stone

Moss Agate is a mesmerizing variety of chalcedony distinguished by its translucent appearance and vibrant green inclusions that resemble moss or foliage. This unique gemstone, formed over millennia, features intricate patterns resembling landscapes or natural scenes. Revered for its association with nature and the plant kingdom, Moss Agate is believed to bring balance and stability. It’s often used in crystal healing to enhance mental clarity, focus, and abundance. Embraced for its calming energy, this gem is popular in jewelry and artisanal crafts. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Moss Agate is cherished for promoting harmony, growth, and a deep connection with the Earth.

Discover the unique qualities and varied purposes of each crystal at bisht arts. Our collection includes crystal jewelry, mesmerizing crystal balls, powerful crystal pyramids, and more. Find the perfect crystal that resonates with your energy and preferences. Whether you’re drawn to the aesthetic allure of crystal jewelry or seeking the mystical energy of crystal pyramids, we have a diverse range for you to explore. Each crystal possesses distinct characteristics, allowing you to choose one that aligns with your intentions. Browse through our selection to make your favorite crystal yours and experience the enchanting with bisht arts crystal offerings.